Mother and baby how to manifest a baby using holistic methods

How I Manifested My Baby After 4 Years Of Infertility


Getting pregnant was no easy feat for me. I often questioned why it was so easy for others to get pregnant yet so difficult for me. The struggle made me feel embarrassed and ashamed, and I cannot tell you how much I dreaded the “When are you going to have kids” questions.But after 4 years I finally got there. I finally got to hold my own baby. Keep reading to find out how I finally manifested my baby after 4 years of infertility.

Check out my YouTube video to learn more about my story of finally becoming pregnant.


When I first began my fertility journey and finding out why I wasn’t getting pregnant, I was told it could be due to a number of factors. I was diagnosed with endometriosis, on a couple of occasions I had blocked tubes, as well as cysts in my ovaries. So it was suggested that we go down the IVF route.

In the back of my mind I had always wanted to fall pregnant naturally, and going through IVF wasn’t a walk in the park I can tell you. But once we got through the difficulty of the daily injections and egg retrieval, I finally had the first embryo transfer. I thought this would be it, I didn’t care what the statistics said, this was it and it was going to work. After years of failing to get pregnant, finally I was semi pregnant – that is as long as the embryo sticks to the womb, but sadly it didn’t, and i was devastated. All that work and no outcome felt so tragic. 

So I booked in to do the next transfer. I did two separate embryo transfers over the course of a 4 month period and both of them failed. I felt exhausted, depressed and I felt like giving up. Emotionally it was too much for me and I felt done. I needed to rest and re-set.

The funny thing about giving up and relaxing is that your brain stops looking for the answer, it stops working so hard and stops being so attached to the outcome. It was then that I began reading about the miracles of healing your own body in order to fall pregnant. I read from two particular authors – Dr Joe Dispenza and Marisa Peer.

Meditation and Hypnosis was at the centre of both their work.  Dr Joe specialises in healing the body from all sorts of illnesses and diseases. His meditations focus on working through the different energy centres of the body in order to align the chakras. I practiced those meditations every single day and most of the time stayed focused primarily on my abdomen and womb area.


Every morning and every evening I meditated on my energy centres. I imagined each energy centre – particularly my reproductive area – feeling relaxed, positive and happy. And I honestly did not know what was about to happen. After a month of practicing this meditation over and over, I did in fact become pregnant – naturally! I couldn’t quite believe it. After 4 years of feeling like my body was a failure, and now suddenly here I was pregnant. And the only thing I did differently was meditation.

But things didn’t go as well as I wanted them to. Unfortunately, I miscarried my baby at 8 weeks. I was devastated. I felt like there was nothing more tragic than trying desperately to have a baby for 4 years only for it to end in a miscarriage. I felt like life was being so cruel to me. But after I grieved for what could have been, one thing was very clear to me, now my body now knew how to get pregnant.

I just want to emphasise that it was important to grieve because I didn’t want those dark feelings to linger somewhere. I wanted to focus on my future. It was then that I decided that I was going to have a baby in 2020. Thinking back I was quite naive and arrogant about it actually. But with the help of Marisa Peer through her book ‘Trying to get Pregnant (and Succeeding)’, I knew in my gut that I could make it happen.


I had lost my baby in June 2019 and I became pregnant again in October 2019. This time it was a success and this is how I made it happen.


Every morning I listened to Marisa Peer’s pregnancy hypnosis track. She has a powerful script that is both inspiring and uplifting and would make any woman believe that she has the ability to conceive a baby and grow it to full term.

I started each day powerful and pumped full of energy. I imagined communicating with my future baby like she was in the ether somewhere during my meditations. I read baby books and what it was going to be like when I brought my baby home.

I repeated a mantra to myself every morning on my way to work; “I am going to have my baby next year, my body can do this, my body knows how to do get pregnant and grow this baby, I am going to look fab with my big pregnant belly, my baby is healthy and is growing absolutely perfectly.”

During my lunch hour at work I took a walk and repeated that mantra over and over again. I imagined already being pregnant and how wonderful it felt knowing that. I imagined walking with my baby in the pram and how happy I would feel looking down at her.

Every evening I meditated to Dr Joe Dispenza’s tracks on healing the energy centre’s. I felt powerful in my body in that it could create miracles.



I created a vision board and placed it in front of my meditation area, so that I could look at it as soon as I opened my eyes. I cut out images of happy pregnant women and baby scans from pregnancy magazines and the internet. I printed out positive quotes and words such as “Pregnant” “My Body Knows What To Do” and “I am Good Enough”.

I even purchased a really cute baby suit set, complete with a hat and mittens. It was something recommended by Marisa. She mentions in the book that most women don’t like to buy baby items in the early stages of pregnancy because we’ve been programmed to believe it is bad luck.

But buying a baby item for me helped my mind to solidify the idea that a baby was on its way. So I pinned my baby suit set to my vision board and I imagined dressing them in it when he or she was born.

I also created a wallpaper vision board for my phone which you can download absolutely free in my facebook group here.


I then started a baby budget as finances were something that had often concerned me. Things like the cost of baby items, giving up my full time income whilst on mat leave, even the cost of nursery stressed me out so it was important for me to create a baby budget.

I started to set aside £200 a month and I asked my husband to do the same. So in total, we were putting aside £400 a month which was more than enough for what we wanted. By putting this amount of money away for our baby helped me to believe that our baby was in fact on the way and that we were expecting their arrival.

I then listed all the items that I wanted to purchase for my baby. Don’t get me wrong, I felt like a crazy woman doing all of this work on nothing but a belief, but over time I did start to actually believe I was pregnant and that I really was planning for my baby’s arrival. When you combine that kind of belief with inspired action, miracles are born.  


I decided to create my own fertility calendar. I wanted to give myself the best chance of conceiving whether it was naturally or through IVF. So I wrote down which days I was ovulating according to my cycle and on those days I then tested with an ovulation stick to make sure.

I gave myself a 3-month window but I was open to longer. I didn’t want to go through the rigmarole of the incessant overthinking and anxiety of not conceiving that first month, so I really worked on managing my expectations. I didn’t conceive naturally that first month but it was ok because I had the idea of booking myself into the clinic for an IVF transfer which I wrote in my fertility calendar.


This time I was going to make sure that the embryo implanted. I wanted to give myself the best chance of so I also booked in for 2 acupuncture sessions. I was determined to use every tool I had to ensure its success. The first acupuncture session took place before the transfer, and the second after the transfer.

I also decided to take the day off work so that I could arrive at the clinic calm and relaxed and not rushed. I completed my hypnosis and mediations as usual. I repeated my positive pregnancy mantra’s to myself all the way to the clinic.

During the actual transfer, I listened to my Dr Joe meditation. By now my body was accustomed to feeling instantly relaxed when I listened to the track, so much so that I didn’t even feel a thing during the actual transfer.

During the two week wait, I repeated my meditations, mantra’s and hypnosis track daily. By around day 10 I hadn’t felt anything, and seeing as I had already been pregnant before I was expecting the same types of symptoms – except there were none.

So I carried on being positive and I decided that if it doesn’t work this time then the next one will. I was still determined and I was still expecting my baby next year. On day 11 I felt a very sharp cramp, sharp enough to make me sit down for 5 minutes. The pain then suddenly disappeared. I wondered if it might have been the baby implanting but in my mind this should have already happened a few days prior so I just put it down to ‘one of those random pains’.

As a standard procedure at the IVF clinic, I had to take a pregnancy test and email over the results. I expected it to be negative as I didn’t ‘feel’ pregnant. I woke at 5am that morning and decided to take the test straight away. So I did the test and carried on as normal while I waited for the results. When the test said ‘Pregnant’ I was actually very calm but in disbelief. I questioned it and thought it could just be a false positive like some of these forums claim.

But I decided to remain calm, which by the way was a testament to my new way of being, and I decided to do my daily meditation. I didn’t let myself get excited, I just kept asking myself “is it real?” After I finished my meditation I decided to do another test and only then would I know for sure if it really was positive. To my astonishment it was positive! I could no longer remain calm, it was real and it was time to get excited.


Getting to this point was only part of the hurdle, staying pregnant was something else. I was riddled with fear from my miscarriage so I had to really manage my emotions. But I was also positive and determined. I stuck to the daily meditations, hypnosis and mantra’s, telling myself that my baby is healthy and full of energy. I visualised seeing my baby on the scan perfectly healthy. And I did this over and over and over.

When it was time to have the scan, my husband half expected there to be no heartbeat, but I was confident in telling in him that there would be and that the baby would be perfectly healthy. Even though I didn’t know and part of me was worried, I overcame my fears by visualising a healthy baby in there.

The scan showed a heartbeat and a healthy baby bouncing around my womb. Over the next weeks and months I still got worried and anxious, but I had my visualisations and mantra’s ready to quash the fear. Fear is just a mantra of the future, you can either visualise the fear or visualise the dream. So whenever fear reared its ugly head, I replaced it with a positive mantra that said “I am expecting my baby to make it to full term and I expect my baby to be born healthy.”

Fast forward, at 38 weeks I gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 6lbs. Here she is, we named her Inaya.

Whenever I push her around in the pram I remember visualising this very scene the year before and it makes me feel ecstatic knowing that I manifested her. I love my new life as a mother and it is just like how I visualised it would be.



The key to successfully getting and staying pregnant for me, was a combination of a positive mindset, changing old beliefs and implanting new ones, and physically taking action towards getting and staying pregnant. Making lists, creating mantra’s, seeing your baby in your arms are all essential to making it happen.

So many women are told that they can’t have a baby due to a diagnosis or because of their age or many many other reasons. But doctors are not always right and the power of the mind is a very real thing. If you expect failure but hope for success, then having a baby will remain a wish. But if you expect success and keep working towards changing your beliefs, then having your baby is inevitable.

So this is how I manifested my baby after 4 years of infertility. Thank you for reading this post, I hope my story inspires you and brings you hope for your personal situation.

If you would like to have a chat about your personal situation then book a FREE session with me today.

If you know anybody that needs hope and inspiration then please feel free to share.

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Hi, I'm Nayla

I believe every woman deserves the right to fulfil her dream of motherhood and I’m here to support you every step of the way. I will help to guide you on your journey to start a family and fulfil your deepest desire of becoming a mother. So that you don’t just transform your own life, but also create a loving world for your future child.

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